Clinical and Organizational Psychology

Specialized Consulting

We collaborate in the growth of organizations as well as in the development of the individuals within them.

We enhance the performance of individuals through experiences designed by conducting a detailed analysis of the current situation of work teams, in order to create key solutions with guaranteed results.


We partner with Evolution Manager

Evolution Manager is a specialized consulting firm founded in Spain in 2005 and has been present in Mexico since 2015. Their focus on the development of individuals and businesses, along with their extensive experience, makes them our ideal partner and complements the service lines that Brainfood currently offers.



Methodology-driven analysis

Specialized consulting begins with a meticulous analysis of your organization and the teams that comprise it, using proven methodologies that allow us to have an accurate overview of the current situation of your organization.

This enables us to identify and define the gap between your organization's current situation and where you want to go, in order to develop an action plan aligned with the goals and objectives of both the organization and its departments.

How can we help you?

Strategic planning

We shape the structure that supports the foundations of an efficient and enduring organization: structuring of Steering Committees and Corporate Governance, retirement and succession plans, executive coaching. We help clarify your action areas.

Talent development

We maximize the potential of talent within your organization: impact on improving KPIs, sense of belonging, alignment with goals and objectives, self-motivation, career and development plans, competency development and mentoring.


We strengthen the integration of work teams, increasing their contribution and results for the organization: task allocation and workflow, increased efficiency and productivity, team development and performance matrix, group sessions, Reverse Mentoring.

Get to know some of our clients:


Specialized consulting services

Specialized consulting services are priced based on the needs of your organization or project.


With the hiring of our specialized consulting service, you will receive the following benefits at no cost:

  1. Institutional assessment (diagnosis of the current situation of the organization)
  2. Findings report (Areas of opportunity and strengths)
  3. Guide for next steps



"The 95% of the successes or failures we experience are due to the people we surround ourselves with."


It's always good to know more

What results can I expect?

  • Mapping key talent and key positions in the organization improves the performance of leadership by up to 50%.
  • Developing a communication plan increases group effectiveness by up to 4 times and enhances organizational commitment by 25%.
  • Developing the organization's management team results in a business profitability increase of up to 47% and doubles the likelihood of success in an entrepreneurship

How does my organization benefit financially?

  • Decrease of 25% in SCRAP and a 15% increase in profitability.
  • Increase of 26% in revenue and 17% in profit due to investment in our programs.
  • Clearer tasks and indicators with a 30% decrease in employee inefficiency and a 60% increase in productivity.
  • Up to a 50% increase in business profitability.
  • Investment of two million pesos in personnel development resulting in increased profitability.
  • Tangible return on investment within the first month.

How can I get a quote?

You can click here to receive personalized attention via WhatsApp. Before sending you a quote, it will be necessary to conduct an in-person or virtual interview to understand the needs of your organization.

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